About Us

About Helping Hands World Vision Ministries

For over 25 years, Helping Hands World Vision Ministries has been the helping hands of Jesus Christ to the World. Under the appointed and anointed leadership of Pastor Joseph A. Gbolahan, the ministry has impacted lives from Africa, Haiti, Mexico, Oklahoma, Atlanta…worldwide. Lives are being saved, restored and delivered. The homeless has been housed, the hungry has been fed and the naked has been clothed. Clean water has been provided to replace contaminated and diseased water in Mexico.  Gang members have been rehabilitated into God fearing, productive citizens into the community.  Young men and women are being mentored to live out their God given purpose.

The ministry is currently located at 3297 Northcrest Rd, Ste 201, Atlanta, Georgia, 30340, United States. By the grace of God, Pastor Joseph, his wife Sharon, children and the ministry team are privileged to continue to bring hope to the hopeless, help to the helpless and healing to the hurting in Jesus Name.

   From God’s Heart:
In response to Jesus death, burial and resurrection, we have a responsibility to:
1. Listen and obey God’s Word.
2. Deny ourselves take up our cross & follow Jesus.
3. Walk in faith and love
4. Give glory and honor to God.